Whoops, I Tut’ed Again

So I managed to organize and convert several sets of tutorials recently, the majority of which were created for ImagineFX and 2DArtist. These cover a wide of range of topics from life drawing and art fundamentals, as well as practical knowledge for creating figurative art. Among them are also several video tutorials in which I screen captured the process I typically use for creating digital studies and master copies. You can visit the tutorials section for more information.

By |2019-01-13T17:27:07+00:00January 13th, 2019|News & Updates|0 Comments

Hey There, Gorgeous

When I talk about art, it’s not without a slight tinge of regret. Art was my first love. Truly deeply madly head over heels kinda love. I was late for my first day of kindergarten because I wouldn’t stop drawing. As an adolescent, I remember being barely functional in the mornings because I had stayed up the night before sketching away. When my family fought, I went to my bedroom and painted. As a young adult barely scraping by, it was the thing I did to keep me entertained and focused. Art has always been there for me which I [...]

By |2019-01-01T13:50:32+00:00January 1st, 2019|News & Updates|0 Comments
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